3737. Is it a heap?


The Heap data structure can be implement using an array.

The array must maintain the main Heap property: for each i (1 ≤ in) next conditions must hold:

·        If 2in, then a[i] ≤ a[2i]

·        If 2i + 1 ≤ n, then a[i] ≤ a[2i + 1]

The array of integers is given. Determine whether it is a Heap.


Input. First line contains number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105). Second line contains n integers that do not exceed 2 * 109 by absolute value.


Output. Print “YES”, if the array is a Heap and “NO” otherwise.


Sample input

Sample output


3 10 5 12 11 6 7







Algorithm analysis

For each index i of the input array, the heap condition must be checked. It is enough to iterate over the value of i from 1 to n / 2.



The heap given in the sample, has the form:


Algorithm realization

To store the input numbers, declare the array m.


#define MAX 100010

int m[MAX];


Read the input data.



for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)



Move through the array from the beginning to the middle. Check the heap condition. If at some iteration the condition is not satisfyed, set flag = 1 and exit the loop.


flag = 0;

for (i = 1; i <= n / 2; i++)


  if ((2 * i <= n) && (m[i] > m[2 * i]))


    flag = 1; break;


  if ((2 * i + 1 <= n) && (m[i] > m[2 * i + 1]))


    flag = 1; break;




Depending on the value of the flag variable, print the answer.


if (flag == 1) printf("NO\n"); else printf("YES\n");


Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);    

    int n = con.nextInt();

    int m[] = new int[n+1];

    for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)

      m[i] = con.nextInt();


    int flag = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i <= n / 2; i++)


      if ((2 * i <= n) && (m[i] > m[2 * i]))


        flag = 1; break;


      if ((2 * i + 1 <= n) && (m[i] > m[2 * i + 1]))


        flag = 1; break;




    if (flag == 1) System.out.println("NO");

    else System.out.println("YES");


